What is Structural Integration?

People sometimes ask me what is the Rolf Method of Structural Integration? It is not a method of home remodeling or bridge building. It is a specialty kind of hands-on bodywork.

As you probably know, there are lots of different types of bodywork and massage. What sets Structural Integration apart? Structural Integration is a total-body wellness process that focuses on improving alignment and movement. Structural Integration can help you feel better in your body, have more effortless movement, and help prevent injuries.

Structural Integration is set up in ten sessions. Each session has a different focus area (for example, lower legs and feet or the shoulders and head) so that all areas of the body receive attention over the course of the series. Structural Integration can help improve how your body functions in gravity. This is sometimes expressed as creating order or adding length to the body as it moves toward a more optimum posture.

Ida P. Rolf said, “When the body gets working appropriately, the force of gravity can flow through.” (from Rolfing and Physical Reality by Ida Rolf). When that happens, movement can feel as if it comes from your center and feels easy – you don’t have to fight gravity to move, it works with you. It can be a revelation!

Seated bodywork on trapezius muscle
Barbara Jean Conti