The 10-Series Recipe

You may already know that the Rolf Method of Structural Integration includes a series of 10 sessions. Over the 10 sessions, all major segments of the body are addressed.

The first and last sessions are somewhat more general or broad. The remaining sessions cover more superficial (sleeve) and deeper (core) layers of the body’s structure. Sessions alternate between the lower half of the body (legs) and upper half (trunk or head/shoulders).

One question some people have is how a person’s unique structure is addressed if this work follows a standardized “recipe” of 10 sessions. My answer is that the framework of the 10 sessions simply provides a baseline and a sequence that is a starting point for the work.

Sometimes, following that format is sufficient. However, customization may be useful to help address injuries or postural habits that become evident as the work proceeds. Any given session may vary from the basic framework depending on the client’s needs. My goal is to listen to and work with clients to the best of my ability to improve their physical comfort and movement.

“Structural Integration is personalized bodywork that meets each person where they are.” — Jean Louise Green from “Structural Integration and Energy Medicine”

“Our thoughts, daydreams and images of our work, and ourselves at work, are major factors in determining the outcome of what we do as we work. — Michael Stanborough, from “Direct Release Myofascial Technique: An Illustrated Guide for Practitioners.

Barbara Jean Conti