Simple ways to help calm the mind and body
If you are feeling upset or agitated, do you have strategies for calming down? Here are some simple techniques that can help with calming and grounding. You can also use these methods with a friend or child.
Pay attention to your surroundings
Name four things that you can see, hear, and feel. Then name three things that you can see, hear, and feel; then two things, and one thing. It's okay to use the same thing more than once.
Breath regulation
Breathe in and out to a count of four. Think or say: In, two, three, four; Out, two, three, four. Continue the exercise for one to five minutes.
Connect your feet to the ground
Remove your shoes, if possible. Stand or sit with your feet firmly on the ground or the floor. Bring all your attention to the soles of the feet where they are touching the floor or the earth. Notice the sensations. Continue the exercise for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
Focused looking
Gaze steadily at an object or picture in front of you for one to three minutes.
Focused listening
Listen with attention to the ambient sounds around you or to music for one to five minutes.