Sessions 1-3 of the SI series

Structural Integration is a series of sessions that help you find ease of movement, improved physical performance, and less pain. I like how systematic and organized the process is (still an engineer at heart!). The series covers the body from head to toe, so all major areas are addressed. This also means that the origin of patterns or strains can usually be tracked down. Sometimes, where it hurts is not where the problem is located!

The first three sessions comprise the base for the remaining ones. They focus on the “sleeve” or surface tissues of the body. The framework below provides the general idea for each session – your session may be somewhat different based on your individual needs.

First hour
Focus area(s): Torso, upper arms, thighs
This session looks at the surface tissue of the body, with a view to easing strains and improving breathing. Allowing the ribs to move freely is a key element. Think of breathing as a primary movement of the body. Start to consider how the major segments of the body relate or stack up. Develop an awareness of where the top of the head is.


Second hour
Focus area(s): Lower leg, ankle and foot, back
This session helps establish a good base of support in the feet, ankles, and legs. Back issues are sometimes foot issues. Start to address the movement of the knees and ankles. Consider the idea of extension through both the top of the head and the bottom of the feet.

Third hour
Focus area(s): Sides of the trunk
Thinking about the back while working on the sides. The third hour helps define the front and back of the body by working along a line on each side of the torso. Start to address the movement of the shoulder. Build integrity in the lower back.

Barbara Jean Conti