Repetitive Strain Injuries and SI
A recent client is a serious amateur musician. She came in complaining of arm, neck, and shoulder pain on one side. She participates in several ensembles and had multiple concerts coming up. Needless to say, all those events required quite a lot of practice time. Her situation had all the hallmarks of a repetitive strain injury (RSI).
The Rolf Method of Structural Integration (SI) is helpful for repetitive strain injuries. After only one session of SI, this client experienced noticeable relief of her symptoms. I ran into her in between her first and second appointments. She said her arm was not bothering her. I was very pleased to hear that!
The Rolf Method of Structural Integration looks systemically at the interactions among different parts of the body and movement to address underlying causes of people’s RSI pain. It helps improve freedom of movement and posture, which can also affect RSI symptoms. If you have been troubled with chronic pain from repetitive activities, the Rolf Method of Structural Integration can offer relief.