Barbara Jean Conti Rolfing® Structural Integration

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Quotations on happiness and joy from Dr. Amit Sood

Here are two quotations from a book I’ve mentioned previously. It’s by Mayo Clinic doctor Amit Sood and is called Train Your Brain, Engage Your Heart, Transform Your Life. He calls it a course in Attention and Interpretation Therapy or cultivating heartfulness. More commonly, it’s mindfulness.

Most people who are happy do not look at happiness as a primary goal. They are happy because they enjoy what they do (pre- or post-retirement), are closely bonded with their loved ones, and have a general sense of who they are and what is the purpose of their lives. Happiness is a byproduct of the choices you make.


Do not postpone joy waiting for a day when life will be perfect and all your stressors will be gone. Your opportunity to live the best life you can is in this very moment.

This book seems to have now been republished in two parts, The Mayo Clinic Guide to Stress-Free Living and The Mayo Clinic Handbook for Happiness.

Resilient Living website – Dr Sood’s online program and blog