Maintaining the Benefits of Rolfing SI Sessions

A client asked me how to maintain the improvements obtained from a 10-series of Rolfing® structural integration. Here are my thoughts on that question, for your consideration. What do you do outside the studio to maintain the benefits of bodywork that you have received?

  • Take care of your body’s physical structure.

    • Use a foam roller at home, 1-2x/week for 10-15 minutes

    • Stretch regularly

      • Or, do Yoga, Pilates, and/or Tai Chi

    • Walk most days

      • Avoid long periods of sitting; stand up every 30 minutes or so; move around if you can

    • Get massage or Rolfing® SI sessions when needed

  • Pay attention to your general wellness.

    • Get enough sleep

    • Eat a healthy diet

    • Manage stress

      • Practice mindfulness or meditation

      • Engage in hobbies and social activities, etc.

Woman with arms wide on a sunny, fall day
Barbara Jean Conti