Healthy habits at work


Many of us spend large numbers of our waking hours at work. How can we make sure that we stay healthy with good habits at work? Some building owners are making changes that help people feel better, like adding central staircases, plants, and new lighting.

There are lots of things we can do ourselves, too. Here are several ideas to consider. Why not try one for a few weeks and see how you feel?

  • Brown-bag it: pack a healthy lunch and snacks at least a few times a week

  • Go outside for 5-10 minutes most days and/or add a green plant to your work area

  • Chat with a colleague

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator even if it’s just for one or two floors

  • Wash your hands correctly: wet them, add soap, and scrub for 20 seconds

  • Stand up more

Barbara Jean Conti