Another reminder about slowing down
Now is a time of year when I find it’s very easy to get caught up in a rush – the feeling like I need to hurry to get ready, wrap up work projects at my day job, finish everything on my list and fit in some fun activities, too! If that sounds like your experience, I want to take this opportunity to remind us both that it’s OK to slow down.
In Donna Farhi’s book, Bringing Yoga to Life, she has an entire chapter on slowing down. I thought this was a nice quotation from her:
“When we slow down, we create a conducive environment for kindness and thoughtfulness to flourish.”
How lovely is that – why wouldn’t we want to slow down and have more kindness and compassion?
Don’t just take my word on it. Other articles on the benefits of slowing down are from the Unclutterer Blog and even Ladies Home Journal.